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Welcome to Archer's legacy

A mom with something to say

Home: Welcome

What's lost, was once found

Lately, I’ve been feeling lost in myself. Every day comes, every hour passes, but I still can’t seem to find myself. I don’t know where I...

Trying new things

I wish there was a pattern to grieving. The burden of it is incredibly unpredictable. The smallest things can set me back, and when that...

He was not "so sick"

Unfortunately, our civilization is so quick to judge. We naturally grasp onto a subject and run with it. We talk to our peers to get...

One month

Tomorrow will be an entire month without Archer. This past month has been filled with extremely slow days that are riddled with...

Open up

Sharing Archer’s story has been incredibly helpful for me. Talking through those facts and recollections helps me realize the strength we...

Smiling eyes

Archery, today is our family’s first holiday without you. It is your sister’s 10th birthday. You always loved birthdays. You would have...

Fill your cup

I packed up Archer’s supplies a few days ago. No more medical supplies in my dining room. No more syringes to save so Archer could play...

Trigger warning, John 1: 2-11, my trial

"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Thursday morning came so fast. This is...

Medical Zebra

Raelynn recently asked me why I have a zebra sticker on my laptop. In medical terminology, a zebra is the description of a very rare...

Honesty vs realism

Last night I dreamt of you Archer. You were standing in the hallway under all the kid’s baby pictures and said “Hi mom.” I ran to you,...

Read the book

This morning my daily devotional moved mountains for me. It spoke of the different types of prayer. Centered or right now prayer versus...


This is such an all-consuming word. Everyone has felt frustrated. It takes hold of you and doesn’t let up. No distractions can touch it....

The day we all changed

Sitting bedside, while your child struggles to survive, is just about the most horrific setting I could have ever imagined. I've never...


Is isolation even a part of the grieving process? I don't believe so. It should be. Maybe because it's a complex term that can be broken...


The definition of change is something to be altered or modified. Change is not always invited into your life. Sometimes change happens...

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