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  • katiecronk90


The definition of change is something to be altered or modified. Change is not always invited into your life. Sometimes change happens and you don't wish to accept it. Change can come on suddenly with a tiny inkling, or slowly with an intuition. In my case, change came on both, suddenly and slowly. In November 2020, my 4-year-old Archer was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension. I felt this change coming. My motherly intuition was stronger than I knew possible.

The following year brought so many changes that impacted a multitude of people. People I never knew cared and people I didn't even truly know. Archer inspired us all. He lit a flame of hope inside our souls that is burning brighter than ever before. Our strong Archeroo conquered his diagnosis with no fear of the burdens it placed on him. Fast forward to today, our Archer is soaring in heaven embracing all the joys of eternity. Every day is a struggle for those of us left on earth. The mourning is richly impacted by small reminders of Archer throughout the day. His tender voice now goes unheard and the hilarious mannerisms that he used in any given situation.

I started this blog to write about my personal journey through the loss of a child. A journey I didn't ask for. A journey that makes me question my strength to endure. A journey that changed my life, altered it and modified it all at once. I don't truly hope to gain anything from starting a blog. If my delicate words influence you in the tiniest of ways please share that with me. In the world of common cruelty and misunderstandings, I'd like to inspire others to release their vulnerable sides to their loved ones. I'm releasing it here because when I have the words to say, they do not come out clearly and I don't always have the voice strong enough to speak them.

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