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  • katiecronk90

Conquering betrayal

We complement God's work by rejoicing in our family despite circumstances. Embracing the talents we were given and fulfilling your calling. What a glorious feeling. This morning, I rejoiced in my own family unit. Unfortunately, the misunderstood events of Jerry's passing have called us all to gather, hold one another up, and breathe life into each other's dampened souls. All while struggling with our own questions, worthiness, and unexpected feelings of sudden loneliness. This is a dark grey cloud, blurring the future and challenging our strength. Why does the unexpected death of a beloved man feel like such a betrayal?

Resisting feelings of betrayal is complicated. There is no room for treachery within our delicate and sacred hearts. Please know the devil will approach you, consume your thoughts, and overpower you, damn near making you leap into the darkness as if you’ve been yearning for it. Still, you will find the strength to resist. Do not let my strength diminish Satan’s hidden talents. Our thoughts are easily highjacked, developing cruel messages with simple triggers. This is a dangerous time for my entire family. Reconciliation has not come easily to many. However, he never said it would be easy…

From the moment we rise to the moment we lay, we will follow the call. The protection of our sanity directly correlates with how tight we wear our armor. What can you do? You can admit the battle wasn’t meant to be defeated solo. We’ve never truly been alone. I can name countless times God has shown up for me, and so can you if you let yourself. Open your hearts to admit defeat and embrace the opportunity of support. Open your mind to changes and guidance that weren’t on your agenda. Realize that you will adapt to this change, rise to the event, and continue your life just as he picked for you. Make this tragedy your most vital tool. Not only are we raising the next generation requiring our guidance, but we are also the children of our heavenly father and need constant guidance. Don’t try to conquer life alone; it’s an ugly club. No one wants to be a part of the ugly club.

Father, this morning, I admit my defeat. My shoulders are hunched, my eyes are blurred, my strength is anything but mighty, and my feet are heavy. Carry me through. Carry my family, breathe life into our lungs, and own our souls. Keep that devil away. I will lean on you, speak of you, and radiate your promises. Some are mad at you father; they feel you’ve betrayed them. I’m sorry to admit my heart has treaded those waters too, occasionally surfing and frequently failing. Emphasis on treading the water because you’ve never let us drown. I hope you find enjoyment in watching Archer take apart anything with a screw while being supervised and influenced by Grandpa. Jerry will prosper your garden, and Archer will follow, putting one bite in every vegetable and quickly moving on to the next. Two of your children are those that you blessed us with. I am so thankful to have lived life with them. Amen.

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