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Embracing our gifts

The tired are barely holding on, the wounded are slowly fading away, and the heartbroken are counting their tears. But despite all the sorrows that seem endless and deep, we must pick up our feet, hold up our hands, and rejoice. We may feel like we have lost hope, passion, wonder, and motivation, and are suffocating in darkness. But we must not give into the pulls of depression. Instead, we must yearn for the pull of faith and reach out to embrace grace. My heart is open, and I am ready to embrace whatever comes my way. My painful sorrows lead to an open door of hope.

Working wonders happen around us every day, and it is important to take notice of them. We should stop and appreciate how far we have come in life. Many of us have gifts that we do not use to their full potential. It has been on my mind lately that we forget about our underutilized gifts, no matter how small they may be. A gift can be as simple as extending open arms to friends and family, such as listening to them, having lunch together, or offering a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, people equate gift-giving with financial means, when in fact, kindness is a gift that comes from the heart, not from our wallets or paychecks. A simple act of thoughtfulness can be an immeasurable form of a gift, delivered with the purest intentions. These are the gifts that I strive to give.

Commonly, people underestimate their abilities. For instance, I hope to connect with other parents who have children they have lost or other deep sorrows that are consuming their heart. I prefer to do this through my blog as I find it easier to express myself in writing. Face-to-face interactions or conversations can be intimidating for me, and I feel more comfortable writing down my thoughts, but I lose that ability to connect when I am not rejoicing in my abilities. With Archer’s blog, I hope to extend my gifts to those who need gentle reminders. Helping others heal their heart, making their heart whole again, will inevitably heal my heart.

I was trying to think of a Devotional for our IDT meeting today at work. We like to gather around first, socialize a bit, and celebrate one another’s personal and professional accomplishments. When extending my devotion, I hope to have influence. Plant words of encouragement that grow confidence. In all reality, that home care worker may be the light of their patient's day. With a small invitation into their most vulnerable settings, there is an opportunity for a shared gift.

Give yourself credit for walking alongside a friend in turmoil. For thinking of others instead of yourself, and even striving to do more. Remember one tragedy can rip through relationships and destroy possibilities to unite. Recognize what you have done for someone else. Acknowledge your gift. Even if you don’t act on thoughtful intentions, you’re still feeling it; it’s not always the best time to act, but the thought will sit in the back of your mind, and that’s God ‘s constant redemption and peace enveloping you, letting you believe that you are special, uniquely woven, and singularly an angel of hope.  You are loved, share your love.

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